jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016


Hello everyone, today I like writing about this blog, it's say, well I don't how I can explain this theme, but is relation with this blog and its post. Let's see, at the begging, write this blog was very rare (but I start write this blog the last semester :p ). Although it was very funny, I like too much write about different things, so, yes, I enjoyed writing on the blog.

I think the post what I like too much in write, it was "a hobby" or " one-on-one conversation", because I like this idea when you can share your like with another person, and maybe you knew the like it the people, possible you can find a person with the same or similar likes. But rarely I can found a person with I can share my passion about the skate ice. Can be, this likes is for the old people or boring people like me (?), yup.

The post was most boring for me is... I don't remember, I think can be the "Victory City", or... no, I don't remember any post. The reasons, I like the project and the text, but it was very fantastic, I know, the persons need a little fantasy, but this city was very perfect. And I hate this idea the perfect city, this city don't exist. Maybe, only in our dreams.

I improved my English with this blog? Yes, maybe. I don't know, is a very good way in you can learn the best way for write in English. You can learn another words, and remember some phrases. Is this blog or duolingo (?) ok no. But, you can try write in English anything,

A blog of classmate... I'm a person very antisocial, I don't read the post of my classmate. Ok, yes, I read the other blogs (but is only obligation) so I don't know, Andrej... because he is my classmate in taller.

jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2016

A One-on-One conversation

Hello everyone, today I would like to write about someone who I would like to have a one-on-one a conversation, well, I like to much Hayao Miyazaki, so, he can be the first person who I want to have a conversation, I don't remember when I met him, I think when I had seven years old (I'm not sure), but I remember the first movie I saw. And yes, he is a director, animator and founder of Studio Ghibli, is a studio of animated movie, he created more movies like Howl's moving castle or Spirited Away, the last it won the Oscar prize. And I don't know, I have too much question, I don't know for where start. Maybe, my first question it will be "when you come back?" or “Will you continue with your movies?". And another things, but I want to know he will come back to movie's world. I hope it. I found interesting for his vision of the world, his vision about the women and his vision of the humans problems. The ways his created another reality in his movies is the more fantastic. 

Another person with I want to have a conversation is Yuzuru Hanyu (Hanyu is his name, but I like too much this form for name him), well I said it already, he is a figure ice skater, from Japan, the most beautiful person and I'm his fan. The first time that I heard of him, it was in 2014, for the winter’s games in Sochi. I fell in love for his presentation and since these time I follow he, is like a platonic love because I know is impossible that I met he. And the only question what I have is "Will you marry me?" I know I'm crazy, but is love (?). I don't know it's so cute, his performance is so beautiful I admire he, also, he practice my favorite sports.

And that is all, bye bye. 

jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

An interesting subject

Hello everyone, today I want to share about the interesting subject in this semester, well I don't know, I'm the typical student  who hate all subjects, but in this semester I like too much "Investigation of environment", the name is weird, but the subject is about the investigate of environment, ok, it's obviously, the name says the finally the subject. But the particularly of this subject are the teachers, who teach this subject is Paola Velasquez and Oscar Urqueta, Oscar is a Sociology and his form for teach is more didactic and very funny, also, in this subject we are need more sensitive with our environment, and always  we have some works, like write an article, and now we must take a picture to corner and try to relate a story, I believe that this subject help you the another ways, because now I always concentrate in my environment, the particularly things, the people and your behavior, in fact I have as object of study my family, and some friends. And the finally the day you take conscience about the human life. Also, I like this class because is very early in Wednesday, at 8:30 am, and the class finally at 11:45, and after I'm free, I love the Wednesday. Well, I can say this subject is very interesting, I think is notorious. 

Another subject can be theory of architecture but it's only I like too much the teacher, and... What else, because I hate physics, it's horrible. Well, now that is all, bye bye.

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2016

A hobby

Hello everyone, today I will share you about my hobbies, isn't too much, so, maybe I write all. Well, let's go, when I was children, I like too much read and draw, so always I write in a book my days, anything, any change, I don't know, and often I like read this book, is fantastic how the things is changes, always. Another hobbie is play piano, because the sound relaxing me. Another hobby (I don't know if is considerate a hobby) is watch movies, I like, always see the movies (In the cinema or in my house), in fact, I considerate "cinephile", I think, I spend my time watching movies, but I don't regret.

One the my favorites hobbies is watch Ice skating, I love this sport, is perfect, the movements of the ice skaters is fabulous, is like if they fragile but the courage and the passion is the perfect contrast. Since when I was child, my mother teach me about the ice skating, but I didn’t have the opportunity for learn (Some problems with my heart). So, I dedicated my time for enjoy. My favorite ice skaters are Yuna Kim, she is so beautiful, and the last Winter's games of Olympics games, in Sochi, she says that retire of sports, and is understable, because she is very old for the sport, she have around the thirty years (Still she young, but she don't have the same energy that adolescent) and the other ice skaters  I love too much, is Yuzuru Hanyu, this guy is perfect, he break the Olympic record for his score, also his movements is very sensual, is different the other men, definitely I love this man. 

And my last hobby is collecting fanarts or illustrations, I like too much this drawings, are very beautiful and I this illustration remember the anime. Always I go this convention of anime for buy, I have an album in where I save it. I have three album of this type.

Well, that is all, I don't remember another hobby, hmm, in fact I collecting rocks, but is strange and I don't talk about this hobby, bye bye.

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

A famous Chilean

Hello everyone, today I will comment you about a Chilean person that I admire, it's difficult for me, because I don't know about the famous Chilean and I don't care, I never have an interest in these person, like to players football and another person, I most interest in the writer, Pedro Lemebel, I don't admire him, but is the only person in whom I think. Well, let's see, Pedro Lemebel is a writer, graphics artists and columnist, is a first person (in Chile) in write about the theme homosexual. Also he was born around decade of the 50, so he lived the coup. I remember, he study in the "Universidad de Chile", and after, he was a teacher but, for he appearance, he was dimiss. And in 1980, he closer to write, after of his life like writer, he had two illness, sida and cancer, and the last years, he was die. I like this person because, his life it was very complicated, in his infancy he suffered jokes and abuses from his classmates, he was never accepted for other person, at least, he had a true friends. And, another reason because I like is the theme for his books or stories, it's a point fundamental in this time, but it was always present. I meet he because my language’s teacher made me read his book "Tengo miedo torero" and, I love it, is a comedy with a deep drama, and the final is the best (I don't do spoiler), always, when I have a little time, I try to read this books, I think, this book is the only novel what he write, the others writes are column or anthology. If he will live still, I would like to talk about the homosexual in Chile versus around the world, about his life, I like to much to know if "La loca del frente" would have scape with Carlos. 

Well, that is all, next see you. 

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2016

Victory City

Well, hello everyone, today I read an article and is very special (too futuristic and ideal city) I refer to project Victory City, in the beginning it's sound so incredible. Is like the perfect city, in where you don't have any problem, like the transport's problem or these building poorly built, or the pollution air (Like in India) because the last problem it's the most present today. I visit the section ecological and environmental issues, and these text is so correct, I agree because the cemeteries take up a place that can be used for other function, and the system of recycling can be possible. But in the part "Separate Facilities and Buildings" I disagree with the design of the city or its organization, it's very strange and centralize, and it's so structural, is like a layer's cake, but horizontal's way. I hope, in the unsure future, the cities found this model, take some ideas, but let them design it differently

jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2016

Indian pipeline dispute

Well, it's the typical problem and injustice. In August it committed other error in USA, the native Americans is protected a reservation (Standing Rock Sioux Reservation), but the officials want a construction a pipeline, it's probably this pipeline create an environmental problems, and the native Americans want to avoid, also the place in where it will be the pipeline is a ancestral lands, but this (officials, rich people, I don't know) people don't understand the problem. 

Something you did last weekend

Hi everyone! today I will comment you about my last weekend, well, the night's Friday I just can only slept so I didn't work anything, but on Saturday in the morning I awake up too early for a work for Investigation of the environment and after I walk for around to Center of Santiago (another work) and after I come back my home, but I lose my time in Internet, and this is a problem, but in the night I saw a movie, I think it was "Interestellar", yeah! This is the movie, I like too much is very interesting and so hard to understand, in fact there are many thing I don't understand yet, maybe any day I will understand. On Sunday, I didn't remember these day, I don't, I have blackout in this moment, oh, I think I had a preparative for Halloween with my sister, we were make candy’s bags for my cousins and nephews, and I drew a little pumpkins (it was so cute) and my mother was cooking a some cakes, because, on Monday we will go to Rancagua, for a "celebration" in memory of my grandmother, and you know, on Monday, we traveled to Rancangua (I slept in all way) and I saw my uncles and aunts, and we assisted to mass, my cousin danced "cueca" in honor my grandparents and other people sang some "cueca", after we ate (many food, it was paradise), but when we will come back to Santiago, it's so late, but my dad wanted come back, so we arrive to our home around to 4:00 a.m, and on Tuesday I slept, too much and I finished some works, but finally it was a relaxing weekend.

jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Brain and the music

Well, I play piano around to four years, and begging it was very difficult for me, but with the passage of time it was easier for me. But, I don't "child" when I learn to play piano, but respect the article, I think that is true, play with any instruments produce new abilities, the brain is trainings for any activity and the music is a great form to relaxing. Also, is the best form for distract to children, and I remember the theory by Gardner, about the different ability relation with the intelligence. But, I think the music or play any instruments isn't the only way for training the brain, would be practice another subject, science or mathematics, arts or history. I don't know, but the ability it's depend of each person, and the music is an only factor. 

A Walk You Would Like To Do Again

Hi everybody, today I will comment you about a walk I like to repeat or do again. Hmn, since I was ten years, I always walk, two kilometers, is a habit, so walk is a one more an activity in my day. In fact, when the day is rainy, I must to walk, my father always forgot to go to meet me. But, I don't care, I like to walk (Isn't my favorite activity, but is comfortable). 

But, I remember in a trip, with my friend, we walk all Puerto Varas, it was 3:00 a.m and we didn’t to finish to walk, it was very fun and fantastic, I like too much. Because, these day, another friends have a party, and. I don't like too much this type party, so I was decided to walk alone, near to cabin. And, my friend told me "Come on! Accompany me to walk", I didn't want, but finally I say yes. We walk to near lake, and after, we must to walk in a hill. One another race and we sing with our horrible voice. These night it was very funny, after to walk, we see a movie (Inside out). Although the next morning, we must wake up very early, our concealer was notorious, but I don't regret. 

I would like to do again this walk in Puerto Varas, with the same person or maybe with more persons, it would fantastic, because are those moments where, you don't care another people or the place where do you are, just, it's a moment to enjoy and to experience. Maybe, in December I trip to "Torres del Paine", for to create a new best favorite moment relation to walk.  

jueves, 20 de octubre de 2016

A book

Well, hello everyone, today I will write about the “my favorite book” (But, I read too much books, so maybe I extend the list). In my ex college, it was obligatory read one book in the week, so, I was read 160 books in the last four years and I don't remember all the name of the books, just I remember the name the my favorite books.

It's called "Lo Bello y lo triste" by Yasunari Kawabata and I read in 2014, at the beginning, I didn't understand, so I read two twice. It's a little difficult to understand, because the main character it's very strange and the story relate the life of the different characters, and the different views into the story it's similar a labyrinth, but the form of relate of the author it's very special and "beautiful" (I think, the Japanese’s writers are very special), the description of the particular details is the special of this book.

Another book that I love it, is "1984" by George Orwell. Well. This book it's a little particular or my story with this book is more complicated, because I was 14 years and I was a little immature, so at beginning I hate this book, I found so boring and without sense. But two years ago, I read again and I understand the story, and I surprised when I liked too much. Maybe the dystopic of the story that's what like, because it's very similar of the reality (that scary me) and the critic to society it's very interesting. This book is 100% recommender, but you should be to mature enough.

And, I have too much book for recommend, but I don't have time for to write, so bye.

martes, 16 de agosto de 2016

Long weekend

Hello everybody, today I will share my lon weekend with you. Uf, my long weekend. Where do I start? The Friday in the night I saw the Olympics Games or I try to saw because I had two days without sleep so when I arrived my home, my eyes closed instantly. But, the Saturday, I did all my works (plans, investigation and another things) and in the afternoon, with my family we watched the movie "The book of jungle" (Live action or the last movie), but the Sunday I must do a work in pairs and I have the problem, the change of time! I forgot completely this fact, I arrived so late (And I thought I had time TuT) but it was a great Sunday because with my classmate we went over Center of Santiago (Santa Lucía as far as Baquedano... Well, in fact is a little more, but I don't remember the limits of tour) and we found many museum, so we took advantage knowing the museum or otherwise, see the new exhibitions, like the Violeta Parra Museum or Visual Arts Museum (Near to neighborhood Lastarria) but when I arrived my home, I advise that my family had gone to Pomaire, without me (I wanted go). And the Monday, in the morning I read a book (Donde los arboles cantan) and in the afternoon, I must to go Ermita de San Antonio (it's near to Lo Barnerchea) and I never go again this place, it's far away for me, also I didn't know how to arrive and environment is so unfriendly. But, I don't rest in my long weekend. 

 Visual Arts Museum

Violeta Parra Museum

miércoles, 6 de julio de 2016

A family member

Well, hi everybody today I will write about a family member. For to begin, in my family we are eight persons, my father, my mother and we are four sisters and two brothers. After the explanation  I chose the greatest of my sisters, her name is Erika, but like my mother has the same name, so we call her Natalia (her middle name) or in its default, Naty. She lives with we, and she is a teacher (not long ago she graduated), she has a good temperament, she is kind and always she help me. But when she is angry the best option is run away (she give me very scary). The last year, she went to Italy, six months. She told me it was the best experience for her because she managed to study to depth method Montessori. Well, Natalia is seven years old than me, but is like it was 22 years, it’s funny because is like a friend more than my sister. I practice with her, music (she plays the guitar and I play the piano), our likings it is very similar, and always she is the first person to tell him my problems, I feel that has always given me the best advice to keep going.

sábado, 2 de julio de 2016

The last movie I saw

Well, hi everybody, today I will write about the last movies that I saw. Like all know it, this last month, the free time is too much, so my frequency in the cinema has increased. Also, much movies which it have been premiere, are my favorites movie. So, my awareness say “We must watch this movie, now” and I am a person too impressionable.

I think, three weeks ago, for my birthday with my sister, we went to watch X-men: apocalypses. And I must say, this movie it is so “cool”, maybe the story it is different to comic, but it is try to keep the essence of story. Also, the soundtrack I like too much.

After the one week, with my other sister, we went to watch “Me before You”… and, I don’t know, the movie makes me laugh, but the other persons in the cinema are cry like a river, maybe I am not the most sensible person in the world, but the movie is not as sad as I thought.

And the last movie that I saw, it was “Finding Dory”, this movie I LOVE IT, the little Dory it is so cute and her life is terrible, but I don’t comment about this movie, because I don’t want say spoiler of the movie. Well, that was it. 

martes, 28 de junio de 2016

Long weekend

Hello everybody, today I will write about my long weekend (but, in this time, always we have long weekend). Well Friday in the afternoon, with my father and my uncle, we decided go to Temuco. So in Saturday in the morning (it was 6 o’clock) we began with the trip. After the six hours, we stopped in Parral, for meet the place. I must to say that it is a beautiful place. But we had to continue the trip. After two hours, we arrived to Temuco, where we visited a friends of my father. The reason for the trip it was because my uncle decided to go his home in Temuco, so with my dad we decided that we would take him up there.

The next day, everyone was preparing for the night. With the friend of my dad, we went to buy some things for eating. Obviously, we watched the game and we celebrated the victory. And the Monday I visited my aunt in Victoria and after we went the center to Victoria for buy some souvenir. And in the evening my father came to tell me that we should return. Although we stopped in Talca to spend the night and not long ago I came to Santiago

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

The first CD you bought or where given

Hello classmates, today I will write about a theme related about the music. I remember when I was a child, my liking about the music it was so varied because obviously I liked the music that my brothers and sisters heard. In that time, my sister loved it to Avril Lavigne and she invited me to accompany for bought the CD (I think that it was “Let go”), but she can’t decide to buy, then I chose the first album I had seen, so for this reasons we have the CD “Let go” by Avril Lavigne. However, she isn't   my artist favorite. And this CD it’s not mine. But are some songs I like it, like “I’m with you” and “Complicated”.

After too much years, I wanted CD by Daft Punk (I love to much this CD, it’s my treasure). My brother bought it for me, because he likes this music, also the CD had a type of film with the music of CD. The name is “Interstella 5555”, I love this album, the type of music is electronic, the sounds I like too much and the film is so beautiful and sad (not yet get over the death of one of the protagonists). My favorites songs are “Too long”, “Digital love” and “One more time” (I think the last song is the best known). Always, when I have some time, I see the movie.

And now, I want buy the CD by 1975, the name the album is “I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it” (It large for a name of CD) because there's a song that I love it , maybe I have the song, but I want the CD.

jueves, 16 de junio de 2016

A building

Ok, I forget this post, so today I will write about a building, maybe a building very “simple” but when I see for the first time, I like too much. I refer to the “Teatro del Lago”. The last year I saw for the first time with my classmates, after all, it was a study trip. In fact, with my friend we decided get close, for see better, after we saw that the half of the theatre was over the water of the lake Llanquihue. And the night, the lights of the theatre was reflecting in the water, the color of the building was a complement for the landscape. It blends very well (for me) with the surrounding architecture, because the other constructions are only houses with German styles, and this building create a broke between the German Styles and its style (it’s more modern) but the building try to keep a relation, like the colors (blue, brown, orange) or the importance of the lake, also with the building  I remember a ship. 

We investigated of the activities of the theatre and we learned that this building use as an art school for the people of the sector. Like class of music or class of ballet, and another activities. Also, like all theater, it’s was make the different plays of theater or an orchestra visited the sector for the show. The people of Frutillar is very happy with this building, because they have an opportunity for learn about the art, they don’t move to Valdivia for enjoy this activities and this building highlight the beauty of Frutillar. 

martes, 14 de junio de 2016

A place to eat

Hello to everybody. Well, today I will comment or I will write (in specific) about the place to eat. It is so hard for me, because my love for the food is infinite and choose a place, is a problem. But, if I prefer eat pizza, I like to go “Blue John’s” or “Daily Stop”. These places are my favorites, because is so near of the place I live. Also, the service is perfect, the atmosphere is very warm and comfortable, is like if you were to eat where a family. I must add, the food is delicious, the ingredients looks like natural, is very similar to homemade food.

But if I want eat, I don’t know, any other food, I can´t choose a place. Because, where I live there are not many places to eat, are more cafés, where you can share with your friends, like the “Blue Elephant” or “El café de la profe”, but these cafés are more picturesque or more familiar (I mean it is not like the typical Starbucks), but I prefer it that way, is so peaceful, the people not frequent in these places because they prefer places like a bar or other places very noisy.

With my best friends, always we choose the Daily Stop, its pizzas and desserts are very delicious.

martes, 7 de junio de 2016

A beach

Hello everybody, today I will speak (in this case write) about the beach, in the specific a beach of Chile. Well, I don´t like to much the beach because I hate the cold water, the sand is so irritating, I don’t like the sunbeam, in the other things. But, always, I found the special thing, which make me trip the beach.

My favorite beach is Canelo. Is true when I talk about my hate about the cold water, but the beach El Canelo is my favorite because for its beauty. The colors of the water or this place is located in the nature, is very wonderful walk across the rocks. In general is very peaceful and empty (well, depend of the station of the year). Also, the other beaches is so near, like Algarrobo, El Quisco and others.

Another beach that I love to much is Zapallar (is located in the fifth region of the Chile) for the same reasons also the sand is beautiful, the color is very similar to white. This place is very comfortable and the people is very agreeable. But, I have only been back three times, however always go to Canelo (it’s so near more than Zapallar).

martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

A country you would like to visit

Hello everybody, today I comment you about a country that I would like to visit. Well, I thought this for a long time, because only choose an only country it is difficult for me. I love too much different country like Greek, Italy, Jamaica, France, Costa Rica, but I decided for Japan. I like too much this country, for its culture, for its architecture, the history, the places (my favorite places are: Kyoto, Okinawa, Hokkaido and Tokyo).




Its literature and poetry (which is called “Haiku”) and another things (like the mythology). Always I have thought that Japan it is a magical place, when I was child my brother teach me about this country and this type of connection between humans and nature. Also I really fans of the director Japanese, his name is Hayao Miyazaki. His movies are so beautiful with a message enough ecologist, maybe this name don’t sound for anyplace, but he direct movie like “Spirited away”, “Howl’s moving castle” and “the wind rises”. Another reason is my sister, she teach me about the Japanese writing (which is called kanji, hiragara or katakana, it is depend the way you write). The only problem with Japan is the male chauvinism, I hate male chauvinism men and not only men but all person that is male chauvinism.

But (leave aside these matter) if I go to Japan, I would like trip with my friend, because we have the same dreams and similar liking. I am certain that she want eat “ramen” and look the cherry trees blossom (in Japan is called “Hanami”, it is all event), in my case I want travel for my favorite places.

martes, 3 de mayo de 2016

A piece of art

First, I am the worst person when we talk about art. I don´t know, it’s very difficult for me talk or say what is art. But, today I comment you about a pieces of art (as far as I am concerned, what is art). I think it was coincidence meet this work. I refer about “Violin and Pitcher” by George Braque.

The first time that I saw, it’s was the last year. I had a homework (for elective art), where I had to investigate about an artist of Cubism, but I didn’t want to talk about Picasso for unknown reasons (In fact, my classmate wanted to talk about he and I am enough specially for some things *cof cof egoist cof cof*) Getting back to the subject, I choose George Braque because I never heard about this artist. After investigating, I like too much his work (thinking that Cubism isn’t my favorite artistic movement) especially Violin and Pitcher. This work is my favorite because the use of materials and oil painting is wonderful, he created a depth in something flat, the complexity of the forms that finally he create something harmonious. Also, the violin it’s lost inside the paint, for that reason is very interesting for me. But I don’t think that this work is more than better other paint. It’s just that, the life and the work of Braque is very interesting and stunning. (In fact, after investigating, I must have done a work inspired by him. And I think it was the first time that I broke a guitar, it was like declaring war against elective music, just like a Civil War :'D )

martes, 26 de abril de 2016

A song you like at the moment

Hello everybody, I'd like to comment my favorite song at the moment (In fact, as far back as I can remember, this song always it's my favorite) the name of the song is "How to save a life" by The Fray, this band is from United States. The singer has a voice very peculiar, is like if he was sad or melancholy. Although I remember a drunk to relief his sorrows through music, amuses me but I like to much. I don’t remember when the first time I hear the song was. I think that is consequence of the series Grey’s anatomy, but I don’t remember. Other options is my sister, she has a lot influences in my likes, if that is the cases, I think that I heard the song when I have about ten years. The reasons why I like, is for its letter. The letter is about a couple who are going through a break, and always it loses friends or things very important along the way.

“Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right
Between the lines of fear and blame
You begin to wonder why you came
Where did I go wrong? I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
                                                   Wheter I'd known how to save a life”

I relate the song with a pieces of my life, when my parents got divorced. So this song is the most important for me, but isn’t only song that I like it, in fact, the album complete is my favorite, all its music is wonderful (obviously, for me). 

martes, 19 de abril de 2016

A photograh

Hello everybody! Today I'd like you to comment about a photograph that I took. First, I don't have the photograph at this moment, then explained the reasons. The photograph I took it when I went to Puerto Varas in the summer's vacation from last year, near the lake Llanquihue. It was night when we decided to (me and my family) leave the hostel to visit the place (which we had not had a chance to cross it), the building it was near to the lake, so it was the first place we visited and when we arrived to the edge, we saw the lights of the building or the lamp post reflected in the water. The colors of the lights it's fading in the water and in the darkness. This moment it was beautiful, I really like it this photograph. Obviously, the photograph it wasn't professional but the effect of the colors it was the reason for I took the photograph. Although, after a series of unfortunate events, I lose the photograph. In my computer, I had the only copy of the photograph and for my bad lucky, the computer died, so all the photographs of the Puerto Varas I loosed, so I only have the memories the photograph.

martes, 12 de abril de 2016

A special place in Santiago.

Hello everybody. Well, today I'd like comment about any places that I like me. In Santiago, there aren't places that I like me to much, but I choose the theatre municipal of Santiago.

This place it's located in the street Agustinas, 794, near of the metro Santa Lucía. I had 10 years when I went for the first time and I fell in love of the place. Also, in those days I practice Ballet, so my teacher made me go the theatre. I went with my classmates of Ballet and my sister, the show was wonderful, the ballet dancer was so beauty and her movements was with flair and perfection.

Since then, I visited the theatre once a month, but it wasn't only admire the ballet, it's just that too enjoy of the others disciplines like: "ópera", concerts, among others shows. Althought, this last time I don't have time for go, I think the last time I went was during summer's vacation, in Christmas. I hope go this winter's vacation (just I have money)

martes, 5 de abril de 2016

An architect you admire.

I think in this moment in an architect that I hear last summer, he was Smiljan Radic, a chilean architect.

First, I want to say that his work like a architect I don´t like to much but  I think that is very interesting. ¿Why I think that is very interesting? Well, in last summer I investigated his work and I found one of his work that had usual materials but it was original. I talk about "The house of copper".

Its very original to use this material who is very common in Chile, also I belive that nobody was use copper for a construction in the outer, because is obviously that all construction use copper for a structure inner . After that I investigated his work, I read his life (I´m not stalker) and I knew that he won a many competition also of being considerated one of the best chilean architect, in that age. So this little things were that motivate me in belive in the progress of chilean architecture.

martes, 29 de marzo de 2016

Introduce me

Hello everyone, my name is María Fernanda Rodríguez. Actually, I don't know that write here, but I will begin for my liking or anything information. 

  • First, I'm a girl introverted, too daydreamer and... any others adjectives what I don't care. 
  • Second, I live far far far away from Santiago, so I don't like it this places. My favourites hobbies is play piano and read the books (I consider a hobbie) . When I young, I love it hear classic music so now I learning play piano but I'm amateur. Also, I danced Ballet, but it's too hard for me. About the books, my sister always read for me everynight (when I was a children), so her likes have an effect on me.
  • Third, I'm a person bore...
(I don't have much time, this post is unfinished)