jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016


Hello everyone, today I like writing about this blog, it's say, well I don't how I can explain this theme, but is relation with this blog and its post. Let's see, at the begging, write this blog was very rare (but I start write this blog the last semester :p ). Although it was very funny, I like too much write about different things, so, yes, I enjoyed writing on the blog.

I think the post what I like too much in write, it was "a hobby" or " one-on-one conversation", because I like this idea when you can share your like with another person, and maybe you knew the like it the people, possible you can find a person with the same or similar likes. But rarely I can found a person with I can share my passion about the skate ice. Can be, this likes is for the old people or boring people like me (?), yup.

The post was most boring for me is... I don't remember, I think can be the "Victory City", or... no, I don't remember any post. The reasons, I like the project and the text, but it was very fantastic, I know, the persons need a little fantasy, but this city was very perfect. And I hate this idea the perfect city, this city don't exist. Maybe, only in our dreams.

I improved my English with this blog? Yes, maybe. I don't know, is a very good way in you can learn the best way for write in English. You can learn another words, and remember some phrases. Is this blog or duolingo (?) ok no. But, you can try write in English anything,

A blog of classmate... I'm a person very antisocial, I don't read the post of my classmate. Ok, yes, I read the other blogs (but is only obligation) so I don't know, Andrej... because he is my classmate in taller.

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