jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

A famous Chilean

Hello everyone, today I will comment you about a Chilean person that I admire, it's difficult for me, because I don't know about the famous Chilean and I don't care, I never have an interest in these person, like to players football and another person, I most interest in the writer, Pedro Lemebel, I don't admire him, but is the only person in whom I think. Well, let's see, Pedro Lemebel is a writer, graphics artists and columnist, is a first person (in Chile) in write about the theme homosexual. Also he was born around decade of the 50, so he lived the coup. I remember, he study in the "Universidad de Chile", and after, he was a teacher but, for he appearance, he was dimiss. And in 1980, he closer to write, after of his life like writer, he had two illness, sida and cancer, and the last years, he was die. I like this person because, his life it was very complicated, in his infancy he suffered jokes and abuses from his classmates, he was never accepted for other person, at least, he had a true friends. And, another reason because I like is the theme for his books or stories, it's a point fundamental in this time, but it was always present. I meet he because my language’s teacher made me read his book "Tengo miedo torero" and, I love it, is a comedy with a deep drama, and the final is the best (I don't do spoiler), always, when I have a little time, I try to read this books, I think, this book is the only novel what he write, the others writes are column or anthology. If he will live still, I would like to talk about the homosexual in Chile versus around the world, about his life, I like to much to know if "La loca del frente" would have scape with Carlos. 

Well, that is all, next see you. 

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